6 Winter Songs to enjoy

In Australia we have just past the winter solstice, so we can start to look forward to the days getting longer again. However, where I live, this winter is very dark, very cold and rather miserable. I have gone on a search for some Winter songs that are fun, thoughtful, sad, or just good to listen to. You’ll see by the list that I have a very eclectic taste. Please enjoy the following six songs all about winter.

I think this song is really cute, especially with the ukulele accompaniment.

There had to be some with an Australian vibe!

I love Joyce DiDonato,  and I love Schubert’s music.   Winterreise (Winter Journey) was composed in 1827, the year before Schubert died at the age of just 31, Winterreise is made up of 24 songs, written to texts by Wilhelm Müller. Its story, told in fragments and references rather than structured narrative, is seen through the eyes of a heartbroken young man. Disappointed in love, he makes his way through a desolate, frozen winter landscape. This is one of the songs, Gute Nacht (Good night)

You can find the entire song cycle here.

A bit of a nonsense song. Make of it what you will. I just love listening to Pentatonix.

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